Before Moving on to the Next Roadmap…

I'd like to take a 30-day break Just a few days ago, I have rolled out the new mobile app. I'm happy to hear that you like it so far. Inkdrop keeps growing as you can see in below image that number of payments is gradually…

Before Moving on to the Next Roadmap…
Live like a snail

Hi, it’s Takuya here.

Just a few days ago, I have rolled out the new mobile app. I’m happy to hear that you like it so far. Inkdrop keeps growing as you can see in below image that number of payments is gradually increasing:

And it generated 2,366 USD last month. It’s amazing. It’s enough revenue to live in Tokyo, Japan. I really appreciate your support. It seems like I will be able to quit my freelance career in the near future if I could keep it growing. That’d be a good news.

The current roadmap has 1 task remained now, which is task progress view. It looks like easy to implement than developing new mobile app from the ground up. And I’ve got a lot of features to discuss for the next roadmap. I also would like to rebuild the desktop app with new base modules made during the last mobile app development. Yeah, I have a lot of things to do here.

But before I start to work on them, I’d like to take a rest for a short while.

I’d like to take a 30-day break

As I wrote in this article before, my challenge is to make a profitable product at healthy pace. Overworking is not sustainable. But I tend to do it, because once I focused on something, I don’t see any other things. It is nice to make a good stuff with a sprint but it would end up destroying your health if you keep overworking for many years.

So I decided to take a 30-day break. I guess some people may think it’s too long and I will lose my momentum to develop it. Please don’t worry about that. Because in the last two years, from the beginning of this project, I’ve been working with companies as a freelancer. Inkdrop was just a side hustle project. 30 days are so short in comparison with time I’ve been on freelance work. Besides, I’m also a heavy user of Inkdrop. When I lose my interest in developing it is when I stop using it.

Of course, I’m available on user support. But sorry if responses delayed. I may also fix significant bugs if found. And perhaps I will write some blogposts.

What will I do during the vacation? Learn new things, meet people, read unfamiliar books, sleep, eat, sleep…and so on. I’d like to expand my viewpoint narrowed by those hard development days. I’m so excited to do that. I believe that will certainly feed back to the project. :)

Sorry for letting you wait for the updates. I appreciate your understanding. Thanks!