How to integrate an Astro site with Inkdrop

Introducing live-export, a tool to programmatically export notes into filesystems

How to integrate an Astro site with Inkdrop

Hi, it’s Takuya, the solo developer of Inkdrop.

I’ve been saying no to the feature requests that require extending the Markdown syntax. That’s because Inkdrop is a ‘Markdown’ note-taking app, focusing on leveraging the full possibilities of its popularity. For example, Markdown is widely supported in static site generators like Astro, Gatsby, Jekyll, Hugo, and more. As you may know, a lot of people are writing their blog posts in Markdown already (more strictly, GitHub-flavored Markdown). So, it is suitable not only to take tech notes but also to publish tech articles.

Inkdrop provides a seamless experience between devices and platforms, which allows you to read and write Markdown anywhere. However, it sacrificed the affinity with local filesystems for the sync feature. That has been blocking you from publishing blog posts right from Inkdrop — until now. I’m excited to introduce a tool called live-export, which allows you to export notes ‘programmatically’ to your local filesystem. Let me explain the detail and how to use it.

A flexible way to work in the filesystem

Why do you need it? Inkdrop can export notes in Markdown from the application menu. But you can’t specify the file name format, the directory structure, or which ones to export or not, based on the metadata. live-export solves that issue by providing a flexible API for you to specify them programmatically. On top of that, as its name says, it can export ‘continuously’ as changes occur in Inkdrop. This means that you can write articles while checking the actual look of your site like so:

Live export demo

Pretty neat. Well, let me give you a quick demo. This website is built with Astro and its articles are written in Inkdrop:

What I use - Takuya Matsuyama
As an indie developer, I've been spending hours and hours at my desk every day. So, I've been continuously improving my…

The source code is available here:

GitHub - craftzdog/craftzdog-uses: A curated list of the tech I use, built with Astro and Tailwind…
A curated list of the tech I use, built with Astro and Tailwind CSS Watch how I built this…

Looks nice, right? :) A video tutorial is also available on YouTube:

You have full control of your data, site design, and where to deploy

How does it work? live-export is not a plugin that runs inside Inkdrop. Instead, it runs separately in the terminal, accessing to your data via the local Inkdrop server. Here is an example code that imports notes from a notebook:

import { LiveExporter, toKebabCase } from '@inkdropapp/live-export'
const liveExport = new LiveExporter({ 
  username: 'foo', 
  password: 'bar', 
  port: 19840 
const sub = await liveExport.start({ 
  live: true, 
  bookId: '<YOUR_BOOK_ID>', 
  // Pre-process the specified note. It is useful to update the frontmatter information based on the note metadata 
  preProcessNote: ({ note, frontmatter, tags }) => { 
    frontmatter.title = note.title 
    // Convert note title to kebab case (eg. "kebab-case-note-title") 
    frontmatter.slug = toKebabCase(note.title) 
    frontmatter.tags = => 
  // Generate a path to export the specified note 
  pathForNote: ({ /* note, */ frontmatter }) => { 
    // export only if it's public 
    if (frontmatter.public) { 
      return `./<PATH_TO_EXPORT_NOTES>/${frontmatter.slug}.md` 
    } else return false 
  // Generate a URL for the specified note. It is necessary to link from the note to another note 
  urlForNote: ({ frontmatter }) => { 
    if (frontmatter.public) { 
      return `/<URL_TO_LINK_NOTES>/${frontmatter.slug}` 
    } else return false 
  // Generate a path and URL to export the specified image file 
  pathForFile: ({ mdastNode, /* note, file, */ extension, frontmatter }) => { 
    if (frontmatter.slug && mdastNode.alt) { 
      const fn = `${frontmatter.slug}_${toKebabCase( 
      const res = { 
        filePath: `./<PATH_TO_EXPORT_IMAGES>/${fn}`, 
        url: `./<URL_TO_LINK_IMAGES>/${fn}` 
      // If the `alt` attribute of the image is 'thumbnail', use it as a hero image 
      if (mdastNode.alt === 'thumbnail') { 
        frontmatter.heroImage = res.filePath 
      return res 
    } else return false 
  // Post-process the specified note right before writing the note to a file. It is useful to tweak the Markdown data 
  postProcessNote: ({ md }) => { 
    // Remove the thumbnail image from the Markdown body 
    const md2 = md.replace(/\!\[thumbnail\]\(.*\)\n/, '') 
    return md2 

As you can see, live-export is tool-agnostic, so you can basically use it with any static site generator. You have full control of your data, directory structure, site design, and where to deploy. Even if you stopped using Inkdrop, the blog posts stay in your git repository. No lock-in!

Create a blog quickly from a template

Let’s learn how to use it. As I mentioned above, live-export access to your data via the local Inkdrop server. So, you first have to enable it by editing the config.cson file stored in the user data directory:

  • on macOS: ~/Library/Application Support/inkdrop/config.cson
  • on Windows: %APPDATA%\inkdrop\config.cson
  • on Linux(deb/rpm): ~/.config/inkdrop/config.cson
  • on Linux(Snap): ~/snap/inkdrop/current/.config/inkdrop/config.cson

Quit Inkdrop, and add the following lines:

      enabled: true 
      port: 19840 
      bindAddress: "" 
        username: "foo" 
        password: "bar"

Then, relaunch the app. You can check if it works properly by running the following command in the terminal:

curl http://foo:bar@localhost:19840/ 
# => {"version":"5.5.1","ok":true}

Now, it’s ready to export notes with live-export! I’ve made a blog template so that you can quickly build blogs with it:

GitHub - inkdropapp/inkdrop-blog-template: A template for creating simple blogs with Inkdrop
A template for creating simple blogs using live-export.

The template is built with Astro, one of the static site generators that focus on speed.

Astro | Build faster websites
Trusted by over 30,000 developers and world-class teams Your content, your way. Astro works with your favorite content…

Clone the repository into your project directory:

git clone ./your-blog 
cd ./your-blog

Then, install the dependencies:

npm install 
# Or, yarn install

Next, create a .env file in the project root directory as follows:


Here, you need an ID of the notebook that you want to export. To get the notebook ID easily, install the dev-tools plugin from Preferences → Plugins/Install.

Install dev-tools

After installing it, you can quickly copy notebook IDs from the context menu like so:

Copy a notebook ID

Back to the .env file, paste the notebook ID. Now it should look like this:


Okay, let’s start the Astro dev server.

npm run start

You’ve got the blog running on http://localhost:3000/ like so:

Dev server

Let’s create a note in the notebook for the blog.

Example post

As you can see, the note starts with a fenced block called YAML frontmatter:

public: true 

By specifying public: true here, it tells live-export that the note should be exported. Let's run live-export in another terminal session:

npm run live-import
> inkdrop-blog-template@0.0.1 live-import 
> node --experimental-vm-modules tools/import.mjs
(node:59628) ExperimentalWarning: The Fetch API is an experimental feature. This feature could change at any time 
(Use `node --trace-warnings ...` to show where the warning was created) 
  inkdrop:export:info Exporting note: note:_F3VsSEhJ Convert mp4 to webm +0ms 
  inkdrop:export:info Watching changes.. +6ms

You should see that the note has been exported and it is now watching changes. The blog looks like so:

Click the post:

As long as live-export runs, it immediately reflects on the blog as you make changes to the note in Inkdrop.

It supports images as well. Let’s insert an image file into the note something like:

public: true 
ffmpeg -i masthead-bg.mp4 -c:v libvpx-vp9 -crf 30 -b:v 0 -b:a 128k -c:a libopus masthead-bg.webm 

It automatically exports the image into <PROJECT_ROOT>/public/posts/ folder. But the image is not displayed on the index page yet. Let's use it as a post thumbnail. Change the alt of the image to "thumbnail" like so:


Then, it got the thumbnail!

Next, let’s add a tag to the note. The blog automatically detects tags specified in the frontmatters and generates pages for them.

After adding a tag to the note, you should see there are the tags listed at http://localhost:3000/tags.

If you don’t see tags, please try to re-run live-export. Now, it’s ready to write your blog posts. You can change the navbar logo, title, colors, and everything as you like. Enjoy!

Here are some FAQs I could think of:

Where can I deploy my blog?

Check out the Astro documentation on deploying your Astro Site.

How can I see the access logs of the local server?

Run the app with a --enable-logging flag. See the documentation for more detail.

Can I import the notes back to Inkdrop?

No. As it transforms the notes for your projects, they are no longer compatible with Inkdrop.

That’s it! I hope you enjoy publishing blog posts with Inkdrop :D As always, thank you so much for supporting Inkdrop and me.

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